Sunday, February 15, 2015

Being a Girl Scout

Being it is cookie season, I would like to talk about being a Girl Scout. Participating in Girl Scouts has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, giving me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and do things that I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to do. Participating in outside groups isn’t only for fun, but you can take a lot away from the experience. Sports teams, youth groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts; you can take away so much from these groups. You learn to build lasting relationships, or just people skills, and you develop a lot of skills to carry into your daily life. Girl Scouts has taught me numerous things, like about different cultures, how to make certain foods, and many things about the world in general. Through this  group I’ve been able to become CPR and first aid certified, to see animals up close, have a pen pal in another country, go camping, and serve my own ice cream from behind the counter at Cold Stone. Some of the deeper things that I have had the pleasure of participating in are volunteering for different events and for different causes. This includes going caroling at the senior citizens home, serving dinner to the homeless through Salvation Army, “adopting” a family for the holidays, and making blankets for premature infants. Doing things like these have really made me feel better as a person and let me know that I can help others and maybe impact someone else’s life, even in the smallest way, just by donating my time and attention. Experiences like these have shaped part of who I am today. Through Girl Scouts I have learned to have leadership, to be patient, to be considerate, to be creative, and to be productive. I have also learned to work well with others given a troop cannot function without the participation of its girls, each girl has a job. If you ask me, joining a group is definitely worth your time. You build a lot of character, and they offer opportunities that you wouldn’t usually have.

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