Sunday, April 5, 2015

Music is Something We Share

Music, the limitless medium in which we all share. When we need something to relate to, to pass the time, or to just tune out the world; the combination of notes and words come to our ears. It is a beautiful art form that so many have enjoyed generation after generation. All throughout history you find music; and to this very day we’re still enjoying it. Music has tied its way into all different aspects of life, the radio, movies, school, video games, elevator rides. It has this way of soothing and setting a tone that speaking alone can’t do. Music has this way of connecting the senses; you just don’t listen to music, you feel music, you see it. It’s a unique way of reading into a person. What they listen to can tell a whole story about them. Furthermore, you can relate through it. Music can bring a whole group together. Through social media, and concerts, people who enjoy the same music can bond over their favorite songs and their favorite band members, which can lead to finding out what other things they have in common. The first song you and the love of your life dances to can be remembered generations down as the story is told for your children and grandchildren to hold on to. From soothing jazz to uplifting pop, song can change your mood. When you’re sad, music can make you feel better, when you don’t want to be around anyone music speaks to you, and when it’s Friday and you’re in the best mood you could possibly be in music enjoys every moment with you. Personally, I remember different compilations of music each year brought. Different music brings out different memories, and can make you relive some of the best moments of your life. So as time goes on, hold onto the music that really speaks to you; you never know when you’re going to want to listen to your favorite song when you were twelve or the album of your first concert.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

To Read is to Gain Perspective

A continuation of one of my earlier blog posts, I talked about how reading is for everyone you just have to find the right book. Recently I had a conversation about it with one of my friends and it had confirmed what I had said. My friend is not an avid reader, but does get completely invested when a good book does come along. I on the other hand, absolutely love reading. A few points that were made are that books are versatile; you can't just see them in one way, next books are an art form and may be interpreted as we wish, and lastly, that books have endless lessons to offer about life. A big theme we noticed was perspective. There is no right perspective when it comes to a book, we may see it as one way, and the person next to us may see it another way. Books offer us perspectives of all sorts. Perspective of the narrator, of the author, of life, and so on. This rings true for all books. I can thank books for a lot of the way I see the world because so often we get caught up in just the way we see things, and we're so influenced by what's around us, so we don't get a lot of big differences. Books offer that variety and culture that we otherwise wouldn't get. Another way that books offer perspective is if they have a complex character. We don't have to necessarily go through the situation, live the same life, or even be in the same circumstances to relate to a character. We just have to resonate with a character and there you build that connection with the book. This is so vital for the basis of enjoying books. Reading has to be a good experience for someone in order for them to enjoy it and when you can relate to one aspect of the book, you've established something that will pull you to read. Next time you go to the book store and skim through a book, try picking the one where you can see yourself in the character; it may become your favorite book.  

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Read Across America

Recently I participated in an event called Read Across America. It was two of the most enjoyable days of the school year so far. I experienced a certain joy that you don’t get in everyday life. In one of my previous posts I mentioned rewarding experiences. This was one of them. When I heard we were going to participate in Read Across America I was ecstatic and as the date grew closer, I got more and more excited. The first day of the two day event finally came and I swear I was more excited than the kids were. In my mind I knew for two days I get to be surrounded by classmates, friends, books, games, little kids, and bright colors. What could be more fun? To look on a surface level I was able to enjoy the two days as just a fun event. On a deeper level it was so much more than that. I decided that all of my joy and energy are going to go into trying to make these two days really fun and impressionable for these kindergartners, even if they barely remember it later in life. I was pleasantly surprised at how much these kids look up to us, that each time they succeeded in something little, or did something we didn’t expect, they looked back for praise. It was nice these kids had pride in what they were capable of.

 I got the opportunity to spend my two days with three different kids; three completely different children, but equally wonderful. The first kid was energetic, friendly, and a little more on the independent side. He was reading to me and showing me how clever he was. He was definitely and kid who was bold and stood his ground. My second kindergartner was a little girl who was bit mellower, but was bubbly, honest, and loved to show me the little things she was interested in. She had brought a magnifying glass with her and was sometimes a little more interested in that than the actual activity in front of her. The last kid I had the pleasure of having as my buddy was a little boy. He was very quiet, but not shy. It took him a little to open up, but he did eventually. He was smart and calm, he took joy in little things like completing connect the dots or beating me in tic-tac-toe. A theme I noticed was my heart swelled each time they smiled at me and wanted to tell me their favorite color or wanted a high five after not losing in Dr. Seuss says. I found this rewarding feeling in the fact that I was trying my best to make these days fun for these kids, and hopefully they weren’t lying when they told me they did. At the end of the second day I found myself a little sad that it was over, but I had a new revelation. This is what I wanted to do. I decided definitely I wanted to work with kids. I have always wanted to work with kids and be some form of counselor or teacher since I was in kindergarten, but until that moment I didn’t know if I really would be able to. I was speaking to my math teacher on the first day and was telling how happy, rewarding, and surprising it was to know how much these kids know, how much they wanted to show us. He says that’s how he feels every day and right then I thought to myself this is why I want to be a teacher, this is what I want to do. To actually follow through and become a teacher is only for me to find out in the future, but for right now it’s definitely in the cards. Read Across America may have just been a festivity to some, but for me it was a very defining moment.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Being a Girl Scout

Being it is cookie season, I would like to talk about being a Girl Scout. Participating in Girl Scouts has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, giving me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and do things that I wouldn’t otherwise have been able to do. Participating in outside groups isn’t only for fun, but you can take a lot away from the experience. Sports teams, youth groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts; you can take away so much from these groups. You learn to build lasting relationships, or just people skills, and you develop a lot of skills to carry into your daily life. Girl Scouts has taught me numerous things, like about different cultures, how to make certain foods, and many things about the world in general. Through this  group I’ve been able to become CPR and first aid certified, to see animals up close, have a pen pal in another country, go camping, and serve my own ice cream from behind the counter at Cold Stone. Some of the deeper things that I have had the pleasure of participating in are volunteering for different events and for different causes. This includes going caroling at the senior citizens home, serving dinner to the homeless through Salvation Army, “adopting” a family for the holidays, and making blankets for premature infants. Doing things like these have really made me feel better as a person and let me know that I can help others and maybe impact someone else’s life, even in the smallest way, just by donating my time and attention. Experiences like these have shaped part of who I am today. Through Girl Scouts I have learned to have leadership, to be patient, to be considerate, to be creative, and to be productive. I have also learned to work well with others given a troop cannot function without the participation of its girls, each girl has a job. If you ask me, joining a group is definitely worth your time. You build a lot of character, and they offer opportunities that you wouldn’t usually have.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Reading Is for Everyone!

One thing that sprung up on my mind lately was reading. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. Books have always been a great escape for me when I was stressed or something to do when I was bored. As I got older, reading slowly left the picture as school consumed more of my time. What's of importance about books that I had to talk about them is the fact of how important they are. Books are limitless. There are books on about anything and everything you can think of and even if reading is not your favorite thing, chances are you can find a book you like. They are what we use to learn, to spread information, to pass time, and they are timeless. Books written hundreds of years ago, we're still reading today. From all the genres to the plot line, books have so much to offer. We always take away something from them. That is what I love the most about books, that we learn so much from them. Books have widened how I see the world, and have offered different perspectives to life. Some thing to pass on if reading is not your thing, is to read until you do find something you like. Reading is such a big part of everyday life that we might as well enjoy doing it, especially if you're a student! Some advice for finding books you like is to read randomly. A good place to start is to think about what fascinates you and looking for books about that. If that's not working, then you could always go for the book with an interesting title or cover. Lastly, you could pick a book that's really popular (it has to be popular for a reason). Whatever works best for you, just know that the choices are endless, so if you bump into a few books that aren't so good, don't lose hope. You will find your dream book soon enough. Happy reading!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Social Media and Stress

While scrolling across Google articles, I come across multiple that talks about a new study that came out that talks about how social media does not cause more stress in people. This statement made sense to me and didn’t make sense to me at the same time. Some people are always concerned about the likes they are going to get, and if they are going to get a lot. Then there are the other people who couldn’t care less and have social media for the fun of it. What the studies revealed was that social media is not directly linked to stress, but the material posted on social media can affect people and cause stress in them. “The relationship between stress and social media use is indirect. It is the social uses of digital technologies, and the way they increase awareness of distressing events in others’ lives, that explains how the use of social media can result in users feeling more stress.”(1)

I then continued onto read what can affect your stress level when looking on social media is how close you are to someone, and what they are posting. If you are close with someone and they post something distressing, you will be stressed out. “The burden you feel after hearing about someone else’s struggles is the ‘cost of caring.’”(2) This made a lot of sense because, of course, people are going to feel bad for their friend or family member when they share bad news; it is because we care about them. There is also a flipside. If you aren’t as close with someone who is posting stressful things, then you will actually feel a sense a relief that you are not in the situation, as pointed out in the article “This is how Facebook stresses you out, according to study,” “observing negativity far enough away in the digital sphere is actually a reminder that things could be much worse.”(2) Although unfortunate to the person experiencing it, it is a great reminder for us to be grateful for our lives and our experiences. Social media has become a significant part of everyday life, so knowing how it affects our lives is just as important as knowing how it works.